Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
Rudel, T.K., Meydroidt, P., Chazdon, R., Bongers, F., Sloan, S., Ricardo Grau, H., Van Holt, T., Schneider, L. (2019). Whither the forest transition? Climate change, policy responses, and redistributed forests in the twenty-first century. Ambio. DOI: 10.1007/s13280-018-01143-0
Armenteras, D., L. Schneider, and L.M. Davalos (2019). Fires in protected areas reveal unforeseen costs of Colombian peace. Nature: Ecology and Evolution, 3: 20 - 23.
Schneider, L.C., Lerner, A. M., McGroddy, M., Rudel, T. (2018). Assessing carbon sequestration of silvopastoral tropical landscapes using optical remote sensing and field measurements. Journal of land use science, 13(5): 455 - 472.
Ramirez, C. D., Orrego S. A. and L. Schneider. (2018) Identifying Drivers and Spatial Pattern of Deforestation in a Strategic Watershed, Rio Grande Basin (Colombian Andes). Journal of Latin American Geography, 17(1).
Turner, B.L., J Geoghegan, D Lawrence, C Radel, B Schmook, C Vance, S Manson, E Keys, D Foster, P Klepeis, H Vester, J Rogan, R Roy Chowdhury, L. Schneider, R Dickson, Y Ogenva. Land system science and the social - environmental system: the case of Southern Yucatan Peninsular Region (SYPR) project. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 19: 18-29
Rudel, T., B. Paul, D., White, I.M. Rao, R. Van Der Hoek, A. Castro, M. Boval, A. Lerner, L. Schneider and M. Peters. LivestockPlus: Forages sustainable intesification, and food security in the trops. Ambio. DOI: 10.1007/s13280-015-0676-2
Mardero, S. B. Schmook, C. Radel, Z. Christman, D. Lawrence, M. Millones, E. Nickl, J. Rogan & L. Schneider. Smallholders’ adaptations to droughts and climatic variability in southeastern Mexico. Environmental Hazards. DOI: 10.1080/17477891.2015.1058741
McGroody, Lerner, A, D. Burbano L. Schneider and T. Rudel. Carbon Stocks in Silvopastoral Systems: A Study from Four Communities in Southeastern Ecuador. Biotropica, 47(4): 407-415.
Lerner, A., T. Rudel, L. Schneider, M. McGroddy, D. Burbano and C. Mena. The spontaneous emergence of silvo-pastoral landscapes in the Ecuadorian Amazon: patterns and process. Regional Environmental Change, 15(7): 1421-1431.
McGroody, M., D. Lawrence, L. Schneider, J. Rogan, I. Zager and B. Schmook. Damage patterns after Hurricane Dean in the southern Yucatán: Has human activity resulted in more resistant forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 310: 812-820.
Rossi, E., J. Rogan and L. Schneider. Mapping forest damage in northern Nicaragua after Hurricane Felix (2007) using MODIS enhanced vegetation index data. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 50(4): 385-399.
Cheng, D., Rogan, J., Schneider, L., & Cochrane, M. (2013). Evaluating MODIS active fire products in subtropical Yucatán forest. Remote Sensing Letters, 4(5), 455–464. DOI:10.1080/2150704X.2012.749360
Cuba, N., Rogan, J., Christman, Z., Williams, C. A., Schneider, L. C., Lawrence, D., & Millones, M. (2013). Modelling dry season deciduousness in Mexican Yucatán forest using MODIS EVI data (2000–2011). GIScience & Remote Sensing. DOI:10.1080/15481603.2013.778559
Márdero, S., Nickl, E., Schmook, B., Schneider, L., Rogan, J., Christman, Z., & Lawrence, D. (2012). Droughts in the Southern Yucatán Peninsula: Analysis of the annual and seasonal precipitation variability. Investigaciones geográficas, 78: 19–33.
Neeti N., J. Rogan, Z. Christman, J.R. Eastman, M. Millones, L. Schneider, E. Nickl, B. Schmook, B. L. Turner II and B. Ghimire. Mapping seasonal trends in vegetation using AVHRR‐NDVI time series in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. Remote Sensing Letters, 3(5): 433‐442. DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2011.616238
Rogan J., L. Schneider, Z. Christman, M. Millones, D. Lawrence and B. Schmook. Hurricane Disturbance Mapping using MODIS EVI Data in the South‐Eastern Yucatán, Mexico. Remote Sensing Letters, 2(3): 259-267
Vandecar, K. L., Lawrence, D., Richards, D., Schneider, L., Rogan, J., Schmook, B., & Wilbur, H. (2011). High Mortality for Rare Species Following Hurricane Disturbance in the Southern Yucatán. Biotropica, 43(6), 676–684. DOI:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2011.00756.x
Schneider L.C. and N. Fernando. An untidy cover: Invasion of Bracken Fern in the shifting cultivation systems of Southern Yucatán, Mexico. Biotropica, 42(1): 41‐48.
Uriarte, M., L. Schneider and T. Rudel. Land transitions in the tropics:Introduction and Synthesis. Biotropica, 42(1):1‐2/59‐62. 2010
Rudel, T., L. Schneider and M. Uriarte. Forest Transitions: An Introduction. Land Use Policy, 27: 95‐97.
Geoghegan J., D. Lawrence, L. Schneider and K. Tully. Accounting for Carbon in Models of Land Use and Implications for Payments for Environmental Services: An Application to Southern Yucatán Peninsula Region. Regional Environmental Change, 10(3): 247‐260.
Lawrence, D., K. Tully, C. Radel, B.Schmook and L. C. Schneider. Untangling a global decline in tropical forest resilience: constraints on the sustainability of shifting cultivation. Biotropica, 42(1): 21‐30.
Whitmer, A., L. Ogden, J Lawton, P Sturner, PM Groffman, L Schneider, D Hart, B Halpern, W Schlesinger, S Raciti, N Bettez, S Ortega, L Rustad, STA Pickett, and M Killelea. 2010. The engaged university: providing a platform for research that transforms society. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8(6): 314 ‐321.
Rudel T. K., L. Schneider, M. Uriarte, B.L. Turner II , R. DeFries, D. Lawrence, J. Geoghegan, S. Hecht, A. Ickowitz, E. F. Lambin, T. Birkenholtz, S. Baptista and R. Grau. Agricultural Intensification and Changes in Cultivated Areas, 1970‐2005. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106: 20675-20680
Schneider, L.C. Invasive species and Land‐use: The effect of land management practices on bracken fern invasion in the region of Calakmul, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2): 91‐107.
Schneider, L.C. and J. Geoghegan. Land Abandonment in an Agricultural Frontier after a Plant Invasion: The Case of Bracken Fern in Southern Yucatán, Mexico. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 35(1): 167‐177.
Schneider, L.C. (2004). Fern (pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) Invasion in Southern Yucatan Peninsular Region: A case for Land Change Science. Geographical Review, 94(2): 229 - 241.
J. Geoghegan, L. C. Schneider and C. Vance. 2004. Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Scales: Modeling Deforestation in the Southern Yucatán Peninsular Region. Geojournal, 61: 353‐363.
Schneider, L.C. and R. G. Pontius Jr. 2001. Modeling land‐use change in the Ipswich watershed, Massachusetts, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 85(1‐3): 83‐94.
Schneider L. C., A. P. Kinzig, E. Larson and L. A. Solórzano. 2001. Method for spatially explicit calculations of potential biomass yields and assessment of land availability for biomass energy production in Northeastern Brazil. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 84: 207‐226.
Pontius R. G. and L. C. Schneider. 2001. Land‐use change model validation by a ROC method for the Ipswich watershed, Massachusetts, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 85(1‐3): 239‐248.
B. L. Turner II, R. R. Chowdhury, D. Foster, J Geoghegan, E. Keys, P. Klepeis, D Lawrence, S. Manson, P. M. Mendoza, Y. Ogneva‐Himmelberger, A. B. Plotkin, D. Pérez Salicrup, B. Savitsky, B. Schmook, L. C. Schneider, C. Vance and S. Cortina Villar. 2001. Deforestation in the southern Yucatan peninsular region: An integrative approach. Forest ecology management, 154: 353 - 370.
Rudel, T.K., Meydroidt, P., Chazdon, R., Bongers, F., Sloan, S., Ricardo Grau, H., Van Holt, T., Schneider, L. (2019). Whither the forest transition? Climate change, policy responses, and redistributed forests in the twenty-first century. Ambio. DOI: 10.1007/s13280-018-01143-0
Armenteras, D., L. Schneider, and L.M. Davalos (2019). Fires in protected areas reveal unforeseen costs of Colombian peace. Nature: Ecology and Evolution, 3: 20 - 23.
Schneider, L.C., Lerner, A. M., McGroddy, M., Rudel, T. (2018). Assessing carbon sequestration of silvopastoral tropical landscapes using optical remote sensing and field measurements. Journal of land use science, 13(5): 455 - 472.
Ramirez, C. D., Orrego S. A. and L. Schneider. (2018) Identifying Drivers and Spatial Pattern of Deforestation in a Strategic Watershed, Rio Grande Basin (Colombian Andes). Journal of Latin American Geography, 17(1).
Turner, B.L., J Geoghegan, D Lawrence, C Radel, B Schmook, C Vance, S Manson, E Keys, D Foster, P Klepeis, H Vester, J Rogan, R Roy Chowdhury, L. Schneider, R Dickson, Y Ogenva. Land system science and the social - environmental system: the case of Southern Yucatan Peninsular Region (SYPR) project. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 19: 18-29
Rudel, T., B. Paul, D., White, I.M. Rao, R. Van Der Hoek, A. Castro, M. Boval, A. Lerner, L. Schneider and M. Peters. LivestockPlus: Forages sustainable intesification, and food security in the trops. Ambio. DOI: 10.1007/s13280-015-0676-2
Mardero, S. B. Schmook, C. Radel, Z. Christman, D. Lawrence, M. Millones, E. Nickl, J. Rogan & L. Schneider. Smallholders’ adaptations to droughts and climatic variability in southeastern Mexico. Environmental Hazards. DOI: 10.1080/17477891.2015.1058741
McGroody, Lerner, A, D. Burbano L. Schneider and T. Rudel. Carbon Stocks in Silvopastoral Systems: A Study from Four Communities in Southeastern Ecuador. Biotropica, 47(4): 407-415.
Lerner, A., T. Rudel, L. Schneider, M. McGroddy, D. Burbano and C. Mena. The spontaneous emergence of silvo-pastoral landscapes in the Ecuadorian Amazon: patterns and process. Regional Environmental Change, 15(7): 1421-1431.
McGroody, M., D. Lawrence, L. Schneider, J. Rogan, I. Zager and B. Schmook. Damage patterns after Hurricane Dean in the southern Yucatán: Has human activity resulted in more resistant forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 310: 812-820.
Rossi, E., J. Rogan and L. Schneider. Mapping forest damage in northern Nicaragua after Hurricane Felix (2007) using MODIS enhanced vegetation index data. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 50(4): 385-399.
Cheng, D., Rogan, J., Schneider, L., & Cochrane, M. (2013). Evaluating MODIS active fire products in subtropical Yucatán forest. Remote Sensing Letters, 4(5), 455–464. DOI:10.1080/2150704X.2012.749360
Cuba, N., Rogan, J., Christman, Z., Williams, C. A., Schneider, L. C., Lawrence, D., & Millones, M. (2013). Modelling dry season deciduousness in Mexican Yucatán forest using MODIS EVI data (2000–2011). GIScience & Remote Sensing. DOI:10.1080/15481603.2013.778559
Márdero, S., Nickl, E., Schmook, B., Schneider, L., Rogan, J., Christman, Z., & Lawrence, D. (2012). Droughts in the Southern Yucatán Peninsula: Analysis of the annual and seasonal precipitation variability. Investigaciones geográficas, 78: 19–33.
Neeti N., J. Rogan, Z. Christman, J.R. Eastman, M. Millones, L. Schneider, E. Nickl, B. Schmook, B. L. Turner II and B. Ghimire. Mapping seasonal trends in vegetation using AVHRR‐NDVI time series in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. Remote Sensing Letters, 3(5): 433‐442. DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2011.616238
Rogan J., L. Schneider, Z. Christman, M. Millones, D. Lawrence and B. Schmook. Hurricane Disturbance Mapping using MODIS EVI Data in the South‐Eastern Yucatán, Mexico. Remote Sensing Letters, 2(3): 259-267
Vandecar, K. L., Lawrence, D., Richards, D., Schneider, L., Rogan, J., Schmook, B., & Wilbur, H. (2011). High Mortality for Rare Species Following Hurricane Disturbance in the Southern Yucatán. Biotropica, 43(6), 676–684. DOI:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2011.00756.x
Schneider L.C. and N. Fernando. An untidy cover: Invasion of Bracken Fern in the shifting cultivation systems of Southern Yucatán, Mexico. Biotropica, 42(1): 41‐48.
Uriarte, M., L. Schneider and T. Rudel. Land transitions in the tropics:Introduction and Synthesis. Biotropica, 42(1):1‐2/59‐62. 2010
Rudel, T., L. Schneider and M. Uriarte. Forest Transitions: An Introduction. Land Use Policy, 27: 95‐97.
Geoghegan J., D. Lawrence, L. Schneider and K. Tully. Accounting for Carbon in Models of Land Use and Implications for Payments for Environmental Services: An Application to Southern Yucatán Peninsula Region. Regional Environmental Change, 10(3): 247‐260.
Lawrence, D., K. Tully, C. Radel, B.Schmook and L. C. Schneider. Untangling a global decline in tropical forest resilience: constraints on the sustainability of shifting cultivation. Biotropica, 42(1): 21‐30.
Whitmer, A., L. Ogden, J Lawton, P Sturner, PM Groffman, L Schneider, D Hart, B Halpern, W Schlesinger, S Raciti, N Bettez, S Ortega, L Rustad, STA Pickett, and M Killelea. 2010. The engaged university: providing a platform for research that transforms society. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8(6): 314 ‐321.
Rudel T. K., L. Schneider, M. Uriarte, B.L. Turner II , R. DeFries, D. Lawrence, J. Geoghegan, S. Hecht, A. Ickowitz, E. F. Lambin, T. Birkenholtz, S. Baptista and R. Grau. Agricultural Intensification and Changes in Cultivated Areas, 1970‐2005. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106: 20675-20680
Schneider, L.C. Invasive species and Land‐use: The effect of land management practices on bracken fern invasion in the region of Calakmul, Mexico. Journal of Latin American Geography, 5(2): 91‐107.
Schneider, L.C. and J. Geoghegan. Land Abandonment in an Agricultural Frontier after a Plant Invasion: The Case of Bracken Fern in Southern Yucatán, Mexico. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 35(1): 167‐177.
Schneider, L.C. (2004). Fern (pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) Invasion in Southern Yucatan Peninsular Region: A case for Land Change Science. Geographical Review, 94(2): 229 - 241.
J. Geoghegan, L. C. Schneider and C. Vance. 2004. Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Scales: Modeling Deforestation in the Southern Yucatán Peninsular Region. Geojournal, 61: 353‐363.
Schneider, L.C. and R. G. Pontius Jr. 2001. Modeling land‐use change in the Ipswich watershed, Massachusetts, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 85(1‐3): 83‐94.
Schneider L. C., A. P. Kinzig, E. Larson and L. A. Solórzano. 2001. Method for spatially explicit calculations of potential biomass yields and assessment of land availability for biomass energy production in Northeastern Brazil. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 84: 207‐226.
Pontius R. G. and L. C. Schneider. 2001. Land‐use change model validation by a ROC method for the Ipswich watershed, Massachusetts, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 85(1‐3): 239‐248.
B. L. Turner II, R. R. Chowdhury, D. Foster, J Geoghegan, E. Keys, P. Klepeis, D Lawrence, S. Manson, P. M. Mendoza, Y. Ogneva‐Himmelberger, A. B. Plotkin, D. Pérez Salicrup, B. Savitsky, B. Schmook, L. C. Schneider, C. Vance and S. Cortina Villar. 2001. Deforestation in the southern Yucatan peninsular region: An integrative approach. Forest ecology management, 154: 353 - 370.
Book Chapters
Schneider, L., J. Rogan and B. Schmook. Relación de huracanes e incendios en bosques fragmentados de la región sur de la península de Yucatán, México: Ejemplo de las sinergias en sistemas socio-ecológicos. In: Naturaleza y Sociedad: Perspectivas Socio-Ecológicas sobre Cambios Globales en América Latina. Ed.: K. Young and J. Postigo. IEP e INTE-PUCP.
Mardero, S., B. Schmook, Z. Christman, E. Nickl, L. Schneider, J. Rogan and D. Lawrence. Precipitation Variability and Adaptation Strategies in the Southern Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico: Integrating Local Knowledge with Quantitative Analysis. In: International Perspectives on Climate Change: Latin American and Beyond. Springer, pp: 189-201.
L.C. Schneider. Plant Invasions in an Agricultural Frontier: Linking satellite, ecological and household survey data. In Land Change Science in the Tropics: Changing Agricultural Landscapes, A. Millington and W. Jepson eds. Kluwer publishers.
S. S. Sader, R. Roy Chowdhury, L.C. Schneider and B. L. Turner II. 2004. Forest Change and human driving forces in Central America. In Land Change< Science: Monitoring, and Understanding Trajectories of Change on Earthʹs surface. Gutman et al. eds. Kluwer Publishers. Pages: 57‐76.
R. Roy Chowdhury and L. C. Schneider. 2004. Land‐Cover/Use in the southern Yucatán peninsular region, Mexico: Classification and Change Analysis. In Integrated Land‐Change Science and Tropical Deforestation in the Southern Yucatán: Final Frontiers. B. L. Turner II, J. Geoghegan and D. Foster, eds. Oxford Geographical and Environmental Studies. Clarendon Press of Oxford University Press, pp 105‐144.
J. Geoghegan, L. C. Schneider and C. Vance. 2004. Spatially Explicit, Statistical Land‐Change Models in Data‐Poor Conditions. In Integrated Land‐ Change Science and Tropical Deforestation in the Southern Yucatán: Final Frontiers. B.L. Turner II, J. Geoghegan, and D. Foster, eds. Oxford Geographical and Environmental Studies. Clarendon Press of Oxford University Press, pp 247‐ 269.
B. L. Turner II, P. Klepeis and L. C. Schneider. 2003. Three Millennia in the Southern Yucatán Peninsular Region: Implications for Occupancy, Use, and “Carrying Capacity”. In Lowland Maya Area: Three Millennia at the Human‐ Wildland Interface. A. GómezPompa, M. Allen, S. Fedick, and J. Jimenez‐ Osornio, eds. New York: The Haworth Press, pp. 361‐387.
J. Vadjunec, L. C. Schneider and B. L. Turner, 2002 Land‐Change Science: The Contributions of Latin Americanist Geographers to Global Environmental Change Research. In Latin America 21st Century: Challenges and Solutions. G. Knapp Ed. University of Texas Press, pp 171‐206.
Schneider, L., J. Rogan and B. Schmook. Relación de huracanes e incendios en bosques fragmentados de la región sur de la península de Yucatán, México: Ejemplo de las sinergias en sistemas socio-ecológicos. In: Naturaleza y Sociedad: Perspectivas Socio-Ecológicas sobre Cambios Globales en América Latina. Ed.: K. Young and J. Postigo. IEP e INTE-PUCP.
Mardero, S., B. Schmook, Z. Christman, E. Nickl, L. Schneider, J. Rogan and D. Lawrence. Precipitation Variability and Adaptation Strategies in the Southern Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico: Integrating Local Knowledge with Quantitative Analysis. In: International Perspectives on Climate Change: Latin American and Beyond. Springer, pp: 189-201.
L.C. Schneider. Plant Invasions in an Agricultural Frontier: Linking satellite, ecological and household survey data. In Land Change Science in the Tropics: Changing Agricultural Landscapes, A. Millington and W. Jepson eds. Kluwer publishers.
S. S. Sader, R. Roy Chowdhury, L.C. Schneider and B. L. Turner II. 2004. Forest Change and human driving forces in Central America. In Land Change< Science: Monitoring, and Understanding Trajectories of Change on Earthʹs surface. Gutman et al. eds. Kluwer Publishers. Pages: 57‐76.
R. Roy Chowdhury and L. C. Schneider. 2004. Land‐Cover/Use in the southern Yucatán peninsular region, Mexico: Classification and Change Analysis. In Integrated Land‐Change Science and Tropical Deforestation in the Southern Yucatán: Final Frontiers. B. L. Turner II, J. Geoghegan and D. Foster, eds. Oxford Geographical and Environmental Studies. Clarendon Press of Oxford University Press, pp 105‐144.
J. Geoghegan, L. C. Schneider and C. Vance. 2004. Spatially Explicit, Statistical Land‐Change Models in Data‐Poor Conditions. In Integrated Land‐ Change Science and Tropical Deforestation in the Southern Yucatán: Final Frontiers. B.L. Turner II, J. Geoghegan, and D. Foster, eds. Oxford Geographical and Environmental Studies. Clarendon Press of Oxford University Press, pp 247‐ 269.
B. L. Turner II, P. Klepeis and L. C. Schneider. 2003. Three Millennia in the Southern Yucatán Peninsular Region: Implications for Occupancy, Use, and “Carrying Capacity”. In Lowland Maya Area: Three Millennia at the Human‐ Wildland Interface. A. GómezPompa, M. Allen, S. Fedick, and J. Jimenez‐ Osornio, eds. New York: The Haworth Press, pp. 361‐387.
J. Vadjunec, L. C. Schneider and B. L. Turner, 2002 Land‐Change Science: The Contributions of Latin Americanist Geographers to Global Environmental Change Research. In Latin America 21st Century: Challenges and Solutions. G. Knapp Ed. University of Texas Press, pp 171‐206.
Editor Journal Special Issues
Biotropica: Land Use Transition in the tropics (Co‐editor with M. Uriarte)
Land Use Policy: Forest Transitions (Guest Editor with T. Rudel and M. Uriarte)
Biotropica: Land Use Transition in the tropics (Co‐editor with M. Uriarte)
Land Use Policy: Forest Transitions (Guest Editor with T. Rudel and M. Uriarte)